Web Proxy
Use the industry’s most advanced web proxy solutions
- Target specific countries, cities, and ASNs using the Proxy Manager
- The best proxy performance in the world
- City, state, & zip code level targeting - Free!
- 99.9%network uptime
- 195 countries
- 99.9%success rates
Powered by an award-winning web proxy infrastructure
Over 72 million IPs, best-in-class technology and the ability to target any country, city, ZIP Code, carrier, & ASN make our web proxy services a top choice for developers.
Our proxies work with all popular languages
Residential Proxy
Bright Data offers residential proxies that are renowned for their ability to successfully scrape data from any website globally. These proxies continuously change the IP address to avoid being flagged or blocked. The user-friendly Proxy Manager dashboard allows developers to easily manage their proxies, reduce data in responses, improve web scraping speed, avoid getting cloaked, and maintain long single sessions with specific IPs.
- Since 2016, over 350M unique residential IPs
- 99.99% uptime guaranteed
- Developer-friendly Proxy Manager
- Target any country, city, carrier, and ASN
- 100% GDPR & CCPA compliant
- Country, state, city, and zip code level targeting
ISP Proxies
Bright Data’s ISP proxies are built using residential IPs that are bought or leased from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for commercial use. These proxies provide the advantage of being classified by target sites as similar to residential IPs, while offering the high speeds and reliability of server IPs. They are ideal for accessing hard-to-reach websites, viewing content, performing ad verification, quality assurance, marketing, and more.
- 700,000+ fully-compliant static residential proxies (ISP)
- Fastest response time in the industry
- Used by 20K+ businesses & Fortune 500 companies
- Easy integration for developers
- 99.9% network uptime
- Most Stable ISP IPs Proxy Networks
Mobile proxies
Bright Data’s mobile proxies are top-performing and ideal for tasks such as data collection, social media account management, ad verification, and more. These mobile IPs can be either shared or dedicated based on your requirements. Shared IPs are used by multiple users and allow you to connect to our entire network of 7 million mobile IPs.
- Easy-to-use interface
- Unlimited concurrent sessions
- Unparalleled Proxy Innovation
- Cost-effective option
- Best Performing Mobile Proxy
- Outstanding 4.8/5 Trustpilot rating
Datacenter proxies
Bright Data’s datacenter proxies are dedicated and allow you to access any public web content without detection or blocking. These proxies support unlimited concurrent requests and are exclusively yours to use for as long as you need. They are available in 195 countries and every major city on the planet, providing unparalleled success rates.
- Real Datacenter IPs
- 99.99% success rates
- Keep your IPs for life
- Largest Global ISP Proxy IPs Networks
- Yours to use as long as you need
- 24/7 global support
Web Proxies Pricing
Why developers prefer Bright Data's web proxies
- 比類のないサービス品質
- 最大規模の地理的範囲
- 最高のネットワーク稼働時間
- 最速の出力
- Bright Dataの管理画面またはAPIからIPを管理
- 開発者用ドキュメント
- サードパーティのソフトウェア統合をサポート
- サブユーザーを作成して管理
- 最も人気のある使いやすいプロキシダッシュボード
- 使いやすいインターフェースでプロキシを整理
- 初心者でも難しい統合なし
- 最適化された結果を得るために、独自のルールを定義する
- 開発者のために作られた。企業向けの製品
リアルタイムのネットワークパフォーマンス ダッシュボード
Bright Data web proxy solutions
Proxy solutions
Website proxies
All the proxy services you need in one easy-to-use platform
Web Proxy FAQ
Are there free web proxies?
Bright Data does not offer free web proxies. However, you can use Bright Data proxies without a username and password by using the Bright Data Proxy Manager tool. This tool can be installed on your local machine or a remote server. When using the Proxy Manager, authentication to the Bright Data network is established when you log in to the Proxy Manager.
What is Bright Data's web proxy?
Bright Data’s web proxy allows you to access public web content anonymously. It hides your location and IP address, replacing it with an IP from our extensive proxy network, which comprises over 72 million IPs
How can I manage my web proxies with Bright Data?
You can easily manage your web proxies using Bright Data’s user-friendly dashboard, known as the Proxy Manager. This tool allows you to control and customize your proxy settings according to your specific needs.
What are the benefits of using Bright Data's web proxy?
Using Bright Data’s web proxy, you can access any public web content without detection or blocking. This service is particularly useful for tasks such as data collection, social media account management, ad verification, and more