Bulk Proxies
Awarded #1 Proxy Ecosystem
- Perform load balancing for efficient network traffic distribution
- +72M IPs from 195 countries
- City, state, country, ZIP, and ASN level targeting - Free!
Powered by an award-winning proxy infrastructure
Bright Data offers premium proxy services with over 72 million IPs. Our top-tier technology allows you to target any country, city, ZIP Code, carrier, and ASN. This makes our services a preferred choice for developers.
Our Bulk proxies work with all popular languages
Why customers choose Bright Data proxies
Largest Global Proxies Networks
Bright Data proxy network is built of over 72million IPs from 195 countries
Best Proxy Infrastructure
Unlimited scale and customizing possibilities from any city or country in the world
Most Stable Proxy Networks
Bright Data has the highest success rates of any global IPs provider
Best Performing Proxies
99.9% - Bright Data has the highest success rates of any IPs provider
Top Proxy IP Network Speeds
99.99% Network Uptime, plus a real-time network status monitor
Unparalleled Proxy Innovation
Speed up your project with a free Proxies Manager
Industry leading Bulk proxies
Bulk Proxies from every country in the world
With over 72 million+ real residential IPs, you’ll never get blocked while collecting public data and encountering Captchas. If you’re looking to scrape websites for best sellers, product pricing, or product reviews, news, or anything else, Bright Data is the industry’s most trusted proxy network. Not all proxy networks are built the same, and our competitors often fail to perform at peak times & at large scale, when you need proxies the most.
High quality Bulk proxies for your data collection needs
Bright Data provides a secure and reliable proxy infrastructure that allows you to browse anonymously and collect public web data. Trusted by over 20,000 businesses, including Fortune 500 companies, our proxy network boasts the highest success rates in the industry at 99.99%.
We offer a variety of automated web data collection products as part of our award-winning #1 Proxy Ecosystem. You can choose to rotate between four Bright Data proxy types: Residential, Mobile, ISP, and Datacenter.
Developers prefer Bright Data's Bulk proxies
- 比類のないサービス品質
- 最大規模の地理的範囲
- 最高のネットワーク稼働時間
- 最速の出力
- Bright Dataの管理画面またはAPIからIPを管理
- 開発者用ドキュメント
- サードパーティのソフトウェア統合をサポート
- サブユーザーを作成して管理
- 最も人気のある使いやすいプロキシダッシュボード
- 使いやすいインターフェースでプロキシを整理
- 初心者でも難しい統合なし
- 最適化された結果を得るために、独自のルールを定義する
- 開発者のために作られた。企業向けの製品
リアルタイムのネットワークパフォーマンス ダッシュボード