Antik _Proxy Integration

Antik Proxy Integration

Steps to integrate Antik with Bright Data proxies

Add zone

Sign up to Bright Data:

After signing up, in the Bright Data dashboard, navigate to the “Proxy & Scraping Infrastructure” section and Add a new designated Zone for your proxy usage.

Select proxy type

Select proxy type:

In this example, we will show how to set up ISP proxies.

Select IP type

Name proxy solution:

Set the desired IP type, shared IPs, dedicated IPs, or premium IPs.

Number of IPs

Select IP count:

Fill in the number of IPs you need.

select city and country for ip

Country & city selection:

Choose your desired country and city for the IP location.

choose domain

Choose domain:

Use specific domains or use ‘All domains’ for one IP to target websites using the same IP.

click add

Add zone:

Click the “Add” button to create the Zone.

access parameters

Access parameters:

Click on the name of your Zone, navigate to the “Access Parameters” tab, and note down the proxy credentials:

  1. host
  2. port
  3. username
  4. password
antik proixes

Log-in to Antik:

Go to the ‘Proxy’ tab and click ‘Create’ – you will be redirected to Proxy list creating menu.

download by text

Select the proxy download type by Text:

Go to your proxy zone’s Access Parameters and extract the user name and password then pase it into the Text box.
The required format :
http://brd-customer-CUSTOMERID-zone-ZONENAME:[email protected]:22225

After that, your proxies will appear in the text field. You can check them for operability (Red Box).

antik create proxy

Click on Create:

After making sure that the proxy is working properly you can click on create.

next step

Next step:

And just for clarity this should be the next step. In order to quickly find the required proxy in the list, you can specify a proxy name.

mass creation

Bulk profile creation

Go to the ‘Mass Creation’ tab and specify the required number of profiles, enter a name mask.

drag file

Drag file:

In the proxy field, drag or specify the path to the previously downloaded proxy excel file and click ‘Create’.

final step

That's it!

Congrats – the created profiles with proxies will appear on the profiles page.

Get proxies for Antik

Proxy badges


72百万以上の住宅用IPアドレス、クラス最高のテクノロジー とターゲットにする能力 国、都市、運送業者、ASN プレミアムプロキシサービスを開発者にとって最高の選択肢にします



  • 7,200万を超えるIP
  • 195カ国で利用可能
  • ローテーションに対応する最大級のリアルピアIPネットワーク
  • 洗練されたウェブサイトすべてにアクセスしてクローリング


  • 1,600万を超えるIP
  • 98カ国で利用可能
  • 共有および専用のIPプールを利用可能
  • 複雑でないウェブサイトへ迅速にアクセス


  • 60万を超えるIP
  • 35カ国で利用可能
  • IPローテーションのない本物のスタティックレジデンシャルIP
  • 複数アカウントへのログインに最適


  • 700万を超えるIP
  • 195カ国で利用可能
  • 世界最大のリアルピア3G/4G IPネットワーク
  • モバイル広告の検証とモバイルサイトのクローリング


Category leader in proxies


Number of ISP proxies


Serving 7/10 universities


Trust pilot ratings


Ready to get started?